nice, im actually really looking forward to see the fininsh product now, i always tough your style was perfect for animation.
nice, im actually really looking forward to see the fininsh product now, i always tough your style was perfect for animation.
this is some illumnati shit
They know that you know.... Get out. Get OUT NOW! D=
oh damm, im doing pico for the collab, i actually prefer your drawing much more than the other guy (no offense to him hes not bad) are you still gona participate with another character?
Sadly, no. I have lots of freelance work to do, I won't have much free time in the next 2 weeks.
all the yes.
instant classic
yay new pages o3o
looks cool, tho the background colors are shadowed very softly and then the characters have this like super "agressive" cell shading, idk it looks kinda weird.
Yeah I agree, I'm not sure what I was going for with the background, but I couldn't quite figure out how a harsh black shading would work with the background and not take away from the characters.
I'll definitely keep that in mind for when I do black shading in the future, though, thanks!
this is amazing i love it, only little critic im gona say is if i were you i would go alittle bit more crazy with the higlights, not making it like glow or anything but just on certain areas.
Thanks, I'll definitely take that into consideration.
looks better than half of your shit so its pretty good o3o
just practicing painting :B
race me bitch! hahahaha thats amazing
Age 27, Male
Freelance artist
Joined on 7/15/14